Yoga Teacher
Ayurvedic Practitioner & Educator
Holistic Health Coach
Reiki Master Healer
Traditional Thai Massage Therapist & Teacher
Vedic Percussion Musician
Vedic & Sanskrit Scholar
Strive with authenticity, be that outlier!” ~Debmalya

तत्त्वमसि | tattvamasi | Thou art That
Bengali (Mother Tongue), English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Spanish, French
I bow to you, beloved Souls!
I was born and brought up mostly in Calcutta (now Kolkata), India. I have been blessed with a spiritual family, and have grown up with yogic practices and spiritual teachings of the realized Soul, Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, His divine consort Holy Mother Sarada Devi, and His principal disciple, Swami Vivekananda, known as the Cyclonic Monk of India. As a matter of fact, I have had my secondary, higher-secondary, and undergraduate education at the Ramakrishna Mission monastic residential schools and college, staying at the Ashrama campuses for 11+ years – age 10+ until 22+ years old. Thus, my virtual parents have been the monks of the Ramakrishna order at the Ashramas, raising me with the profound spiritual wisdom of the wondrous country India.
May we be blessed to flourish to the best version of ourselves!